Born on 2. 3. 1880 in Litomyšl, died on 26. 11. 1939 in Polička. PhDr., professor of Czech literature, literary historian and critic, authors of essays. A representative personality of modern Czech culture. The author of a very extensive work on the history of Czech literature, which he analysed consistently and in its entirety. His life’s work is a compendium called Přehledné dějiny literatury české od nejstarších dob až po naše dny (A Complete History of the Czech Literature from the Early to Present Days), 1936–1939, written together with a co-author of a part of the work Jan V. Novák. Arne Novák also wrote a number of book and journal studies and critiques, predominantly dedicated to the 19th and 20th centuries. He applied the approach of “meaningful understanding” to the literary work, while he was also inspired by other methods. He approached the Czech literature comparatively, in relation to other types of art, philosophy, humanitarian disciplines.
Arne Novák in online encyclopaedias and dictionaries
- in Czech | The Dictionary of Czech Philosophers – biography, writing
- in Czech | Encyclopaedia of Brno History – biography, photographs
- in Czech | Moravian Museum – biography, writing, photographs
- in Czech | Arne Novák – Tvůrce kulturního Brna (The Creator of Cultural Brno) – MUNI 100 anniversary paper
- Arne Novák in the Bibliography of the History of the Czech Lands – database of the Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences
- in Czech | Kritik tradicionalista (Critic—Traditionalist) – a brief portrait on the H7O website of the Host publishing house
- Wikipedie
- Handwriting sample (Graflog.cz)